Is the 10-4 Solution™ Right for Your Organization?

Today’s workplace is more demanding than ever. Unrealistic expectations, unreasonable deadlines, or unprovoked upset from customers may trigger “Hit and Runs,” Drive-Bys,” and “Aggravated Assaults.” In turn, these can lead to violations, broken relationships, repeat offenders.
No, this isn’t some episode of The Shield or a page from the police blotter. These are ‘crimes of the workplace’ that can happen in the absence of strong leadership skill and focus. If these sound familiar, the 10-4 Solution™ can help.
Partnering with clients, we use a variety of methods to conduct investigations that will uncover clues and crack the case that helps you protect and retain or recover your loyal and productive workforce:
- Community Outreach — Employee and Organizational Survey and Assessments: Find out what’s really happening in your organization. Identify real and perceived threats and concerns. Learn what’s working well.
- The 10-4 Leadership Academy: Enroll leaders at all levels – from executives to high potentials – in a structured program that not only instills knowledge, but ignites passion and commitment to strong leadership and management principles.
- The System –Systems and Processes: Once you’re ‘in the system,’ there are specific policies and procedures to follow. Are yours up to date? Understandable? Being enforced? Make sure your team has the resources it needs to be effective.
- Confidential Informants – Executive Coaching at All Levels: Every leader, from front-line to the C-suite, needs a place where information can be shared without fear of retribution or retaliation. Someone who will support and guide, who’s willing to tell what there is to tell.
- The 10-4 Success Academy – for everyone in the organization: Workplace ‘crimes’ are often committed due to lack of knowledge or understanding. Reduce conflict and disturbances with increased emotional intelligence, communication, and engagement.
- Critical Incident Debrief – Evaluate and Adjust. Learn from the daily lessons in the workplace. Open lines of communication, shift perspectives, make changes. Don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over.
We partner with clients to piece together the evidence and help them see that their answers are often right in front of them. Armed with knowledge, experience, and a unique perspective on people in the workplace, we’re ready to serve!
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