Are Any of the Following Leadership “Crimes” Happening in
Your Organization?

- The Hit and Run
Your leaders run in, tell the bad news, recite the policy or change, and don’t take questions - Plead “Not Guilty”
Your leaders don’t have accountability or any awareness for how they’re perceived - Drive-by Shooter
Your leaders practice “Management 101,” dropping in to say hello or ask a question, but not truly listening or demonstrating genuine care, concern or commitment - Ignorance of the Law
You frequently hear, “I didn’t know…” from leaders who aren’t holding themselves accountable for knowing their stuff - Career Criminal
Your leaders give excuses like “That’s just Joe…” for longtime or high-producing employees who are misbehaving in other areas - Tommy Lee Jones Syndrome
Your leaders make everything a priority, therefore nothing is a priority - Dirty Harry Style
Your leaders have a “Go ahead, make my day” leadership style and are ego-driven
If Any of the Above Sounds Familiar, the 10-4 Solution™ Can Help

Pam Wyess, Leadership Expert
You’ve watched the shows, you know the game… The dispatcher radios to a patrol car with an assignment and the officer responds with a 10-4. It’s more than an officer saying, “Okay”—it means, “I heard and understood where and to what I’m responding, and I’ll handle it from here.” Wouldn’t it be great if your employees had the same “10-4 attitude” when taking assignments from your leaders?
So What is the 10-4 Solution™?
As a former police dispatcher, police officer and police lieutenant, leadership expert Pam Wyess understands the importance and value of employees with a “10-4 attitude”—not just in emergency situations, but in any industry. That’s why she developed the 10-4 Solution™, a practical, easy-to-implement method and approach to relationship building, leadership and management.

Pam takes practical experience and translates it into relevant concepts and easy-to-use behaviors to help your leaders:
- Assume the Position
Move from a team member to a trusted advisor and leader - Go Fast and Look Good
Develop a command presence, keeping cool under pressure - Collect the Evidence
Pay attention to detail, really knowing their team members - “Just the Facts, Ma’am”
Focus on behaviors, not making any assumptions - “You Have the Right to Remain Silent”
Listen, empowering their team to figure things out for themselves - “You’re Under Arrest”
Know what to do when their hands are tied or things are out of their control - Read ‘em Their Rights
Set clear expectations - “I’m Sorry to Inform You…”
Know how to have the hard conversations - The Press Conference
Communicate effectively, planning clear and concise messages—every time, ever message - Go Before the Judge
Have corrective conversations—from awareness raising to discharge